Emergency Plan
Campus Emergency Plan
In case of emergency, it is important to
remain calm and to listen for instructions from
personnel in charge, whether these are school personnel
or an emergency response team. In all emergencies,
someone should phone 911; if this is an emergency
involving the whole school and is during regular office
hours, someone in administration will make the call. If
this is a personal emergency, such as a medical
emergency, or after hours and the office is closed, the
student or a capable friend or acquaintance should make
the call to 911. If you have not had a first aid
course, you may want to familiarize yourself now with
the first aid survival guide at the front of the white
pages in the phone directory. It addresses a variety of
medical emergencies and earthquake issues.
you dial 911, be prepared to tell the operator: • The
phone number from which you are calling((858)735-0966, (213)700-0886)
• The address (7490 Opportunity Rd. Suite 203, San Diego, CA 92111 - if you are on
campus); • and any special directions of how to find
the victim • Describe the victim's condition •
Describe what happened; how many are injured; what help
is being given; • Give your name; • DO NOT HANG UP
until the 911 operator tells you; they may have special
Medical Emergency
All students are encouraged to maintain a medical
insurance policy for themselves (and their families, if
they are head of household) while studying at International Lordland University. A first aid kit is kept in the
Registrar's office for minor medical care. Students are
encouraged to provide their own first aid supplies as
they know their potential medical needs better than
anyone. Students are encouraged to visit their own
physicians as needed to prevent medical emergencies.
Campus Security
accordance with the Higher Education Act of 1965 as
amended by Public Laws 101-542, 102-26, 102-325 and
103-208, all related to the Student Right-To-Know and
Campus Security Act, the University makes available to
current students, prospective students, employees, and
prospective employees, information about campus safety
policies and procedures and statistics concerning
whether certain crimes took place on campus. The
latest report will be posted on the campus bulletin
board, and is available upon requested by contacting the
Student Service Advisor or by writing to the
administrative office. Any incidence is a cause of
concern to the University. Therefore, students, faculty,
and staff are encouraged to report any crimes or
suspected crimes to the Branch Director who will
immediately notify appropriate local law enforcement
agency. In the absence of the Branch Director other
official, the individual should directly notify the
local law enforcement agency.
In case of fire or fire drill on the campus, all
persons are to proceed quickly and calmly to the main
parking lot toward Vail Ave (in front of the building).
While we have
experienced very little crime at International Lordland University, the possibility is still very real. If you
are the victim of a violent criminal act, or witness
one, phone 911 immediately. Also report any crime to the
administration offices at the earliest possible time.
Students should use caution after leaving campus at