Student Government
All students at International Lordland University are encouraged to participate in the
student government. The student government works to
promote structure for student expression and
self-government. It is organized to serve as a voice
for the student body to University administration and
trustees, to cooperate with the faculty and
administration in the daily function of the University,
to advance the welfare of the University, and to promote
an awareness of and interest in the vital issues
affecting the University community. Each May, the
student government elects officers who will serve as the
student government leadership and who will work closely
with the Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
Student Leadership
Comprised of
students elected annually by the student body, the
Student Government Council promotes students’ interests
and conducts activities which directly relate to student
life. For example, the Student Government Council
nominates students to serve on various faculty/ student
committees, presents the needs and desires of students
to the school, and organizes social events for
fellowship during the school year.
Student Body Association
The students of
International Lordland University are organized in a Student
Body Association, for the purpose of promoting the best
interest of students and to create a spirit of
cooperation. This association also serves as the conduit
through which students can input their ideas to the
University for addressing students' needs and interests.
Officers of the university Student Association, elected
by the student body for the term of one year, are: •
President • Vice-President • Secretary •
Standards of Conduct,
Disciplinary Policy and Expulsion
university shall take disciplinary action against a
student who violates the standards of personal and
ethical conduct. These standards include the
following: • Academic misconduct including, but not
limited to plagiarism or cheating • Fabrication:
Falsification or invention of information concerning the
student's background • Use or possession of
alcoholic beverage, illegal drugs or dangerous weapon
on campus • Sexual harassment or misconduct •
Giving false statements to the university regarding
application for admission • Theft of university or
personal property • Unauthorized use of the
university property • Hazing • Use of vulgar or
abusive language to the faculty or staff; and •
Obstruction or disruption of the educational process on
or off campus Among those listed, an act of academic
dishonesty is one of the most serious violations of the
student code of conduct. Definitions of various forms of
academic dishonesty are as follows: • Plagiarism:
Knowingly or intentionally presenting the ideas, words
or work of another as one's own. • Cheating:
Unauthorized use of study aids, examination files or
receiving unauthorized assistance in any academic
exercise. The Ethical Conduct Committee of the
university, composed of faculty representatives,
administrators and a representative from the university
Student Association, is entrusted with the task of
determining the disciplinary action.
actions shall be implemented immediately upon the
findings of a violation by the Ethical Conduct Committee
and include, but are not limited to: • verbal
reprimand • written reprimand • loss of credits
• property restitution • temporary suspension or
dismissal • permanent dismissal
of Student Rights
Students matriculated
at International Lordland University are entitled to and are
assured of the following rights: • To receive quality
educational services provided by the duly qualified and
experienced faculty; • To cancel enrollment and
receive a full refund of the amount paid for tuition,
fees and other instructional charges consistent with
refund policies(less non-refundable fees), if notice of
cancellation is delivered or mailed to the Registrar's
office prior to the posted deadline; • To discontinue
his or her academic program at any time and receive a
prorated refund for the part of the course not taken in
accordance with the refund policy stated in the school
catalog; • With a 24 hour notice to inspect and
review his or her records during the normal business
hours and seek correction of errors in the records
through the established administrative procedures; •
To call for a hearing in accordance with the procedures
established for the purpose of resolving all types of
complaints and disputes; and • To write to the state
regulatory agency or accrediting agency to register
complaints and seek fair and just remedial action.
Student Complaint Procedures
Students may direct all complaints to the Director
of Student Affairs. The Director of Student Affairs
shall be responsible for taking action to remedy the
complaint under California Education Code Section 73770.
A student may lodge a complaint by communicating orally
or in writing to any teacher, administrator, admissions
personnel, or counselor. Faculty, administrator, or
personnel who receive a complaint shall attempt to
resolve all complaints that are related to his/her
duties and transmit it as soon as possible to the Dean
of the School. If a student orally delivers the
complaint and the complaint is not resolved either
within a reasonable period or before the student again
complains about the same matter, the student is
recommended to submit the complaint to the Director of
Dean of the School in writing using the university's
complaint form. If the student provides a written
complaint, the Dean of the School shall provide the
student with a written response within 10 days of
receiving the complaint, including a summary of
university's investigation and disposition of it. If the
complaint or relief requested by the student is
rejected, the university shall provide the students with
the reasons for the rejection. The students
participation in the complaint procedure and the
disposition of a student's complaint shall not limit or
waive any of the student's other rights or remedies.
Hearing Committee
dishonesty or acts of student conduct that violate
University standards and Code of Conduct will subject
the student to disciplinary action that may include
dismissal from the University. However, in conformance
with Due Process and prior to implementing any
disciplinary action, the student is given a hearing
before an impartial committee. The student is also given
an opportunity to appeal any decision that he/she
believes is unfavorable.
Student Handbook
The students and staff of International Lordland University have written a special handbook in which the
specific requirements of student conduct have been
detailed. This handbook also contains specific
information on community resources, school procedures,
student organizations, and student activities.
Grievance Resolution Policy and Procedures
It is the aim of the university to resolve all
complaints, including but not limited to, grade
disputes, alleged sexual harassment or any other form of
complaint in a manner that is fair and just for all
persons involved. The Grievance committee has been
established for this purpose and is composed of
representatives from faculty, administration and student
government. The Dean of the university serves as the
chair of the Grievance Committee. All complaints
against a faculty member or staff of the university,
grade disputes, or requested disciplinary action against
a university student must be in writing. When preparing
a formal appeal to the Grievance Committee, the
following information should be documented and submitted
to the chair of the committee: • Nature of the
complaint or dispute; • Date the alleged dispute or
problem occurred; • Names of the individuals involved
• Copies of all relevant documents.
All appeals,
officially submitted to the Grievance Committee, will be
administered as follows: • Date for hearing will be
set within 30 calendar days from the date of the
written grievance received by the committee, and •
Within seven calendar days from the hearing, the
Grievance Committee shall render a decision and
forward it to the student via register mail.
the ruling is not satisfactory to the student, he or she
has the right to write to the Board of Trustees of the
university within 15 calendar days from the date posted
on the registered mail, which contained the Grievance
Committee's decision. The Board of Trustees shall render
a decision within 30 calendar days from the date the
appeal was received by the Board. If the Board
decision still is not satisfactory to the student, he or
she has the right to contact the regulatory agency named
State of California Department
of Consumer Affairs Physical Address: 2535 Capitol
Oaks Drive, #400, Sacramento CA, 95833 Mailing
address: P. O. Box 980818, W. Sacramento, CA 95798-0818
Telephone Number: (916) 431-6959, Fax Number: (916)
263-1897 |